Home » Alternative Energy » Energy Revenue America, Inc. Announces Top Priorities for Next 16 Months

Energy Revenue America, Inc. Announces Top Priorities for Next 16 Months

DALLAS, TX — (Marketwire) — 09/06/12 — Energy Revenue America, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: ERAO); The following is a letter to shareholders from Charles H. Havens, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, of Energy Revenue America, Inc.

September 6, 2012

Dear Shareholders,

The primary strategy of Energy Revenue America, Inc. (ERA) is focused on the acquisition, development and exploration of unconventional natural gas projects, primarily Coal Bed Methane (CBM). ERA plans to seek, acquire and develop properties with significant undeveloped potential and apply technical and operating expertise in order to maximize the value of these resources. Our goal is to recognize the value in a transaction and to provide capital to enhance that project–s value to the benefit of all parties. Energy Revenue America as an energy company will provide assets, i.e. leases, pipeline, production, etc.

Energy Revenue America has purchased the Envirotek Fuel System (Envirotek), which is a 65-mile pipeline in the Cherokee basin of Oklahoma, with 3,000 acres and three compressors presently transporting gas. ERA owns options to purchase an additional 10,000 acres in Nowata County, Oklahoma, (north of Tulsa, Oklahoma) and will acquire or build an additional 235 miles of pipeline to the Envirotek system. As ERA extends the pipeline, carries more gas and interfaces with more producers, the value of the pipeline will increase significantly.

Charles H. Havens, Chairman & CEO of ERA said, “Over the next 3 years ERA expects to drill an excess of 500 wells on the 13,000 acres. For every well completed, the reserve value for future gas and oil from the wells becomes an asset to ERA to generate future revenue. The pipeline, along with the ownership of millions of dollars of gas reserves, will bring value to ERA and its shareholders.”

IHS Global Insight reports that government revenue from unconventional gas activity is projected to reach more than $49 billion annually by 2015, and will continue to rise to just over $85 billion by 2035. ERA expects to benefit from this extraordinary growth opportunity.


Charles H. Havens

Energy Revenue America, Inc.
Investor Relations

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