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Be Smarter on District Energy

A new Danish initiative will be disseminating the knowledge about district heating and district cooling. The Danish Development Centre for District Energy and the Engineering College of Aarhus invite to a summer school for engineer candidates in cooperation with the district energy business and its suppliers.

The purpose is firstly to enable young engineers to use their competences on issues in district energy and secondly to mediate an understanding of the various forms of energy production, intelligent energy management and energy efficiency.

The concept of district energy is a Danish speciality. 60 % of all residences in Denmark are supplied by district heating; and a wide range of industries, consulting engineers and installation contractors provide the district heating sector with technology and knowledge.

In a joint venture with private companies and supply companies the summer school shall propagate this knowledge that is based on long experience, with the hope of attracting more skilled engineers to this line of business. The school will be a combination of lectures, company visits, training and a case.

Great potential in district energy technology

District energy is one of the most energy efficient and cost efficient supply sources; and it is steadily spreading throughout the world.

The district energy production is primarily exploiting superfluous heat from power generation and waste incineration, but it is also capable of integrating alternative energy sources like biogas and solar panels. District energy thereby effectively meets the carbon challenge.

Together with other leading players in district energy technology, Kamstrup is cooperative partner and sponsor of the summer school.

The energy meters and metering systems of Kamstrup form a vital component of the district energy infrastructure. First of all, the meter functions as the supply company’s cash register. But the modern, electronic meter serves other functions than just the delivery of billing data: Automatic remote meter reading opens up for monthly meter readings and thereby detailed consumption statistics. Some of the obvious advantages are leak surveillance and customized energy counselling.

The cooling meter comes as a natural addition to the heat meter, as it is based upon the same ultrasound technology. Metering of cooling energy has become a topical issue in e.g. the Middle East and in many commercial buildings.

More about energy metering on www.kamstrup.com
Initiator of the summer school is the Danish Development Centre for District Energy: www.fjvu.dk
Practical information and application on www.iha.dk

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