LOS ANGELES, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/18/12 — Making the right choice in eggs can mean all the difference in the quality of food you place on your table. Now, for the first time, . will give Southern Californians something to cluck about as their are made conveniently available at a reasonable price at local grocery stores.
Once only available at farmers markets and specialty stores, the happy egg co.–s network of family farmers is now making available from hens that freely range on pastures at select Ralph–s locations throughout Southern California. In the coming weeks, happy eggs from the happy egg co. will be available at other neighborhood and specialty grocery chains in Southern California, providing an even more convenient way to add the best eggs possible to the family table.
Allowing hens to be hens: the happy egg co.–s definition of Free Range is truly the gold standard. Affectionately referred to as the Girls, happy egg hens are never placed in cages or locked up in a barn. Our family farmers provide them with the freedom to flap their wings as they roam across four acres of pasture.
A perfect protein with no need for added nutrients, eggs are a staple in any well-stocked kitchen. Since the best tasting dishes deserve the highest quality ingredients, the happy egg co. believes that the right choices in eggs are those that come from happy hens. The best eggs can only come from hens that are treated like gold.
“While the question of –Which came first, the chicken or the egg?– has confounded people since the dawn of time, at the happy egg co., the hen rules the roost,” said Cyd Syzmanski, third generation chicken farmer and eggs-pert at the happy egg co. “We champion hen welfare because we know that this is the only way to provide high quality eggs. We are so excited to offer Southern Californians better access to Free Range eggs that they will be proud to serve to their family and friends.”
Adding a ray of sunshine to a dreary, gray egg case, happy eggs are packaged in a distinctive sunshine-yellow carton with big pillars that lovingly cradle and protect the eggs, the same way a mother hen would protect her chicks. Happy eggs are available now throughout Southern California (between Santa Barbara and San Diego) for an MSRP of $4.99.
A champion for Free Range eggs, the goal of the happy egg co. is to make Free Range eggs available to everyone. We are guided by the mantra that high quality eggs are laid by well treated and happy hens. Always putting the hen first, happy egg hens (or the Girls) roam free across acres of pasture on small family farms tended by expert animal stewards who are passionate about maintaining and improving hen living conditions. The result is the highest quality eggs that make the best ingredient in every dish. With its U.S. headquarters in San Francisco, the happy egg co. draws on its decades of experience with Free Range eggs as part of Noble Foods Ltd. and the happy egg co. brand in the United Kingdom. For more information about the happy egg co., please visit, or cluck alongside the Girls at Facebook.com/HappyEggCoUSA or connect on Twitter @HappyEggCoUSA.
Image Available:
Heather Gordon
Rogers Finn Partners
(310) 552-4123