procise gmbh support companies in business process optimization with Lean Six Sigma.
Extensive knowledge, methods and practical tools for project work are crucial for the users to ensure the success of a project and this is provided in the procise Lean Six Sigma Coach App. In the new version, a Green Belt Examination trainer was developed that allows users to improve their Green Belt skills and to prepare for certification.
“In a Six Sigma Green Belt training, participants learn Lean Six Sigma methods and selected tools and how to use them in industry-specific exercises,” said Bjorn Beyersdorff, CEO of procise GmbH. The 6-day training course ends with a 60 – minute multiple-choice examination. The new Green Belt Examination Trainer assists the user to be better prepared for success.
The interactive Green Belt Examination Trainer contains:
250 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt multiple-choice examination questions
Comprehensive questions covering all the phases of the Green Belt training course.
Green Belt exam simulator
Training and exam result summaries
Other features of the new procise Lean Six Sigma Coach Version 3.0:
Push notification capabilities: receive procise App updates, new template availability, new training programs and important news from Lean Six Sigma sources
New useful links
New templates: SIPOC and Pugh Matrix
Simplified method to request new features or to make suggestions. procise significantly values customer feedback in order to provide the best Lean Six Sigma App in the market.
Serving customers around the globe, procise is a management consulting and technology services company specializing in
– strategy consulting
– business process optimization
– organizational change management
Combining analytical expertise, excellent understanding of business processes and a proven implementation record, procise supports organizations all over the world in improving their performance through the analysis of existing business processes and development of respective improvement plans covering all necessary parts.
Further information about our consulting and training services under :