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?Ethernet and Safety Ethernet 2010 ? 2012? ? new Quest study

This study reports the trends from the point of view of potential-strong machine-builders in the 10 automation-relevant sectors of the German machinery industry with 100 and more employees.
Ethernet at the machines will grow by 30% per year until 2012 and will then be implemented at 72% of the machines. 37% of the machines will be equipped with TCP/IP, 35% with real time Ethernet.
The study explains in detail how the decisions of the machine-builders will change the market shares of TCP/IP and the protocols of real time Ethernet. These market shares are related to the market volume of the companies and to the market volume of the correspondent machines.
From 2010 to 2012 the market shares of the following Ethernet protocols are covered: EtherCat (ETG), Ethernet IP (ODVA), Modbus TCP (IDA), Powerlink (ETSG), ProfiNet CBA, ProfiNet IO with real Time, ProfiNet Isochronous IRT, Sercos III (IGS), VARAN (VNO) as well as in-house solutions. Protocols not mentioned are covered under ?Others?.
The study identifies the sectors of the machinery industry in which Ethernet will grow above average to 2012.
In a second emphasis of the study the machine-builders assess to which extent the use of real time Ethernet corresponds to their application criteria. 14 application criteria along the value chain of the machine-builder draw a detailed, comprehensive picture of the importance of each criterion and the degree of its achievement.
The criteria concern the uniformity, subdivided in Ethernet as single field bus, Ethernet with integrated connection with drive converters, distributed I/O couplers and sensors with parameter data. The criteria concern special applications as wireless, Gigabit transmission and power over Ethernet. The criteria concern further the graphic application engineering as well as mounting and start-up like the assignment of IP addresses, manufactured Ethernet cables, drag-chain-suited Ethernet cables as well as industrial-suited plugs. Finally two criteria refer to service and maintenance with end-users.
This part of the study serves for the suppliers of Ethernet products as a starting point for product adaptations, product improvements and innovations.
The third emphasis of the study covers Safety Ethernet. The study shows the changes of the market shares of Safety Ethernet in the machines until 2012.
The following protocols are reported: CIP Safety on Sercos III, Ethernet IP Safety with CIP Safety (ODVA), openSafety (ETSG), PROFIsafe ProfiNet IO with RT, PROFIsafe for wireless, Safety over EtherCat (ETG), VARAN with Safety as well as in-house solutions with Safety.
The study covers to which extent a certain Ethernet protocol is used together with its corresponding Safety protocol.
This survey is brand new since accomplished in October/November 2010. It is representative as 25% of the machine-building companies mentioned above were covered. Highlight, table of contents and budget of the study on http://www.qtm.de/e/index_marketstudies_free.html
Further trends to Ethernet in the machinery industry, the automobile and F&B industries are published in the Quest Trend Magazine on http://www.quest-trendmagazin.de/Home.34.0.html?&no_cache=1&L=1
Quest TechnoMarketing, Bochum, London, is specialised in market researches of the automation technology for more than 20 years and is the publisher of the Quest Trend Magazine.

Quest TechnoMarketing, Bochum, London, is specialised in market surveys for the automation technology for more than 20 years.
The market studies cover the demand trends in the control technology, drive technology, field buses, Ethernet and sensor technology from the point of view of the users in the machinery industry, the automobile and F&B industries.
Further information about Quest TechnoMarketing on www.qtm.de/e/.

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