Environmental protection is one of the central issues of wastewater treatment. Water which is discharged into the environmental cycle is subject to strict limitations concerning the discharge values. Treatment plants are obligated to abide the given discharge threshold values in order to prevent the pollution of the receiving water. However, the purification of wastewater is particularly complex and prone to disruption. Particularly the nitrification process, in which ammonia nitrogen, which is toxic to fish, is reduced to nitrate and subsequently by denitrification to nitrogen. Thereby, the responsible catalyst bacteria are exposed to external influences such as temperature fluctuations or toxic influxes which disrupt the degradation process severely and lead to the pollution of the receiving water.
To prevent this and at the same time to actively protect our environment is why vermicon developed PowerBacteria. The concentrated mixture of bacteria is composed of only highly active ammonium and nitrite oxidizing bacteria – the groups responsible for the ammonia degradation during the nitrification process – is directly added to the activated sludge of the plant. PowerBacteria stabilizes and reestablishes the nitrification process within the shortest time possible so that threshold values will be leveled to the legal requirements and environmental pollution is thus prevented. “Sustainability and environmental protection are an important part of our work as specialists for microbiological solutions. With the PowerBacteria we help wastewater treatment plants to prevent contamination of their receiving water,” explains Dr. Jiri Snaidr, vermicon–s founder and CEO. “The PowerBacteria are of unprecedented efficiency and composition which make them worldwide unique.”
During the production process the PowerBacteria are subject to continuous monitoring by the VIT® gene probe technology which allows for the identification and quantification of microorganisms directly in the sample. By this the quality and efficiency of the product is guaranteed. Further information on PowerBacteria, services and technologies by vermicon are available at our internetpage