Vendors can bid on various kinds of water and wastewater treatment projects posted by Water utility companies. But first, let us understand the water and wastewater treatment as a process that is extremely essential for the health of the civic society as well as the environment as a whole.
Water Treatment
Water treatment is the process of making the ground water acceptable for human consumption by removing or reducing the contaminants present. There are two ways in which water is treated to make it fit for drinking. Settling and filtration is the physical process that separates unwanted solids present in raw water. The other is the chemical process where disinfection and coagulation is carried out to treat water to make it fit for drinking. Water is also treated by electromagnetic radiation or ultraviolet rays.
Chemical Water Treatment for Purification of Drinking Water
Chemical water purification involves the use of chemicals like chlorine to purify the water. Chlorination of water ensures the removal of harmful bacteria, algae and fungi that may be present in the water. Other chlorine based compounds such as chlorine dioxide and chloramine are also used to disinfect drinking water.
Wastewater Treatment
Returning the used water back to the environment without creating an undesirable ecological impact is the most important goal of Wastewater utility contract treatment. Here, household sewage and industrial effluents are treated to remove physical, biological and chemical contaminants. Once the sewage is treated, it can be safely released into the environment. The treated fluid wastes and sludge is put to good use as farm fertilizer.
Just as chemicals are used to purify water, they are also used in wastewater treatment process to make it suitable for use.
• Toxic metals from wastewater are removed by chemical precipitation, a process where a chemical is added to wastewater to convert the dissolved metals into solids so that they can be filtered out.
• Chemical coagulation helps the fine solids in wastewater fluids to bind together and settle down. These particles are then removed by sedimentation.
• Chemical oxidation is used to modify the polluting bodies in the wastewater so that they become less harmful to the environment.
In the United States, billions of dollars worth of job contracts pertaining to water and wastewater treatment in 2014 are up for grabs. is an online portal that has the largest listing of such contract opportunities put up by WasteWater Utilties Contracts from all the 50 US states as well as from some parts of Canada. Vendors and contractors in the field of water and wastewater treatment can bid for these jobs by tracking them through