UTS S.M.A.Rt – System – Intelligent Mixing Control for fully automated Mixer Operation
For the first time ever, operating parameters of substrate, changes in the viscosity as well as gas saturation in a biogas plant can be monitored and controlled during operation with the new UTS S.M.A.Rt mixing system. The automatic mixing control optimizes the mixer´s performance according to changing operation modes. Depending on the priorities set (operation modes such as “mixing in fresh substrate”, “mixing the fermenter content” or “controlled gas desorption from lower tank areas”), the system takes care of the most efficient operation of the mixer based on the permanent collection of measuring data via the fully automated control unit. This results in remarkable reductions in costs for maintenance and energy consumption of mixers as well as a substantial increase in operation safety and reliability. This unique product enables biogas plant owners to fully exploit their biogas plant´s potential with regards to flexibility, both regarding modification in substrate intake (e.g. biomass to wastes) as well as energy production (flexible power input). The UTS S.M.A.Rt-System will be awarded with the DLG silver medal 2014 at the expo Energy Decentral 2014 in Hanover, Germany.
UTS High Viscosity Pump HVP – FDU – Chopper Mixing Pump with Active Degasification
The new and patented UTS HVP-FDU is a world premiere in the area of high viscosity pumps. This chopper mixing pump is equipped with a newly positioned impeller and is therefore able to pump highly viscose and gas-saturated substrates with > 10% DM and at the same time degasify the material without any deficits in performance. This procedure is possible due to an ingenious system using internal pressure conditions. The UTS HVP-FDU combines a high flow rate, low energy consumption and an intelligent self-regulation which increases the efficiency of the energy transmission into the substrate by adjusting to varying density ratios. Active degasification makes the UTS HVP-FDU the first self-regulating substrate suction pump in the world, which handles the problem of gas bubble formation not only symptomatically but causally.
UTS Separator FSP-B – Premium Class Separation for Agriculture
UTS completes its range of separators for solid and fluid separation of slurry and digestate with the introduction of the new separator FSP-B. This brand-new machine was developed according the special needs of farms and is now available in two basic versions with different screen housing lengths (520 and 780 mm). The product series is built modularly, so that various modules, i.e. engine, medium supply, dewatering and press housing with output regulation, can be individually combined for the relevant application. The new model Type B uses proven technology of the UTS FSP-A series which already has numerous content costumers due to its efficiency, longevity, maintenance-friendliness as well as very little costs for wear parts.
By using most modern production procedures as well as standardized components for Type B separators, UTS offers its customers industrial standard machines at very attractive prices. The complete range of Type B separators including two models for the production of bedding material is available for purchase beginning November.
During the expo EuroTier 2014 in Hanover, Germany, UTS presents all three new products on their booth L30 in hall 25 and is happy to inform interested visitors.