MARSHFIELD, VT — (Marketwire) — 03/20/13 —
US workers and families are at risk of overexposure to RF at hazardous levels. These sites include rooftops as well as locations where the general public, including children, can gain access, and where workers are on the job. See:
at current FCC lawful limits as they are among the least protective in the world. FCC safety limits do not acknowledge current science, nor the 2011 WHO IARC–s classification of wireless radiation as a Group 2B carcinogen. The FCC does not even enforce
of widespread FCC rules violations. Despite detailed complaint letters sent to FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief P. Michele Ellison, of across all regions of the US, EMRPI has received no response that the FCC has taken any enforcement action against any noncompliant site. EMRPI–s investigation re-tested sites and found violations still occurring months after EMRPI–s initial filings with the FCC. The FCC responded to a US Senator–s inquiry on sites in her state with misleading information about the safety of the Senator–s constituents. See:
FCC policy allows wireless companies to self-report their compliance with the lawful RF limits. The FCC website provides no information or procedures for either the public or workers to report potential or actual violations. Despite hundreds of thousands of wireless antenna sites across the US, since 1996 the FCC has issued only one wireless Notice of Violation, and not until 2010. Is FCC policing site violations and are violations hidden from the public?
Congress must act to hold the FCC accountable. If not, Americans will remain at risk from unlawful RF radiation exposures at antenna sites across the country. The American people have a right to know and a right to be protected. EMRPI urges the American people to demand that the FCC enforce its own RF safety limits to protect all Americans.
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Janet Newton
The EMRadiation Policy Institute