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Avoiding Trouble When Installing a Reverse Osmosis System

In order for a reverse osmosis system to work effectively and efficiently, it

When faced with the myriad choices on the market, it


Understanding Your Water

One of the most important things to do at the beginning of the process is to have your feed water analysed in order to determine its quality. This should also include its feed temperature (this is particularly relevant in hotter climates) and the conditions/uses for which it is to be used in your operations.

Beware of Chlorine and Iron

Chlorine and iron are elements that are very tough on a reverse osmosis system membrane, so if they appear in high volume in the water you

Checking Water Hardness

Water hardness is another issue for the delicate membranes of an RO, so itll clog and become ineffective very quickly.

Make Maintenance a Priority

The company that installs your system should, if they are reputable, be able to provide a thorough and regular maintenance programme to ensure it remains at its optimal performance. Some cheaper systems do not provide the facility to clean the membranes so you should consider this aspect very carefully when making your choice

Look for a CIP (clean in place) option when choosing your system, which allows for easy cleaning without the risk of causing any damage.

Cost vs. Benefit

The installation of an RO system can represent a considerable investment for a small business, but it


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