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Business for Nature – Bridging the Gap between Ecology and Economy

The new edition of forum CSR international has appeared on the 22nd of May 2012 and looks into a new era of opportunity, growth and sustainable development. Varied articles about sustainable developments in the areas of Water, Forests and Business & Biodiversity show successful partnerships between NGOs and companies for a water-secure world, necessary tools, such as standards for forest carbon projects, to help businesses move forward sustainably and companies examples that engage in biodiversity protection and have improved their bottom lines.

Munich, 29 May 2012: Few of us can claim to understand the intricate workings of the global economy as it stands. It is too complex an organism, and sadly lacking in transparency. Let’s turn it into something simple and comprehensible. Let’s create a green economy which places a higher value on social equity, natural capital and ecological services. The new edition sheds light on the topic and trigger ideas on how each and every company can contribute.

Water: fuel of life

Under this chapter different projects focuses on the global water challenge facing human society and show how to save the planet. This projects demonstrate that it is important to find ways to ensure that we have enough of this valuable resource to meet all of our hygiene, nutrition, trade and infrastructural needs – and avoid polluting our rivers, seas and oceans. Articles range from David de Rothschild’s adventure with his plastic bottle boat, to the role of labelling in the seafood market, to a football project “Drinking Water for Africa”.

Promoting the business case for biodiversity

The chapters Business & Biodiversity and Forests provides CSR-professionals and sustainability experts with articles on the first European Biodiversity Summit, the Biodiversity Check from the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign, voluntary performance standards for business, common standards for forest carbon projects and more. The Business & Biodiversity chapter explain to which extent voluntary performance standards as a means for companies to adopt sustainable practices include the coverage of biodiversity and the measures adopted for biodiversity protection, how businesses can examine its business processes and value chains in relation to biodiversity with the help of a biodiversity check and which new developments in financing biodiversity conservation through tapping private capital sources exist and to which extent the financial sector can contribute to the conservation of biological diversity.

The forest chapter shows how forest projects can have a sustainably positive effect on biodiversity, what instruments are appropriate in order to maintain or restore ecosystem services provided by forests, how carbon offsets from climate forest projects are generated and how can one distinguish between “good” and “bad” climate protection projects.

Moving visions

The Media chapter presents two award-winning videos in the categories “Business & Biodiversity” and “Renewable Energies” of the first “International Festival of Corporate Films on Ecology and Sustainability“ – the Deauville Green Awards. The film “Why is biodiversity important for your business” explains using clear and simple words and images the importance of biodiversity for sustainable and cost-efficient business. The film „In the Beginning there was Nothing …” aims to claim the thematic
leadership as far as renewable energies are concerned. Another article presented in this chapter acts about the life of a girl in Khayelitsha, one of the largest townships in South Africa located just outside Capetown. This one of many stories of war, famine, crime and poverty from the African continent the Humans project wants to show the Western world.

CSR Made in Germany

The next chapter demonstrates the “CSR in Germany” Action Plan by the German Federal Government which aims at promoting corporate social responsibility throughout Germany’s corporate world, focuses on challenges addressed by the National Sustainability Strategy and include sustainable consumption, climate change, fair working conditions, globally binding social and labour standards, and the achievement of social responsibility through civic and corporate engagement. Finally, the sustainability project “Global Ride to Rio” shows how to save the planet and calls for action.

Green Economy – from intention to action

forum CSR International concludes with a report on the International Conference on Sustainable Business and Consumption (SusCon) on the 27/28th of November, 2012 in Bonn which discusses how we can influence global development and the economic reality of large and small companies and how companies can adapt their business models today.

forum CSR international reports biannually on latest developments, trends and best practise examples of sustainability and corporate responsibility in economy, politics and society. In attractive design and high print run (10.000) forum CSR international reaches top decision makers in politics, economy and non-profit world wide. forum CSR international „Business for Nature” comprises 52 pages and can be ordered here.


Sven Stöbener
ALTOP Verlags GmbH
Gotzinger Str. 48
D-81371 München

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