Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Parhofer is 40 years old and has gained various, longtime professional experience in the field of young
high-tech-companies and also in multinational major companies. He studied physics and was awarded a doctorate in the research-center of Siemens AG in Erlangen specializing on thin-film-technology. Simultaneously he mastered in Business Administration at the Babcock Graduate School of Management, North-Carolina.
From 1997 until 2000 he worked in Siemens Management Consulting, the internal Top-Management Consultancy of the Siemens corporation.
End of 2000 Dr. Parhofer left Siemens AG and worked for SimonsVoss Techologies AG, a young, fast growing high-tec-company in the field of security technology. As an authorized officer he was responsible for varios departments, amongst others, for strategy, cooperations and also patents. From 2005 on as a member of the Board of Directors he started up the affiliate company SimonsVoss USA. From 2004 he was also Managing Director of Armatix GmbH, a High-Tech Venture spin-off of SimonsVoss AG and thereby responsible for the financial, strategic and technical department. Dr. Parhofer is married and has a son.