Dr. Sascha Lafeld, Member of the Board of the 3C Group, welcomes the new product in the portfolio of Energie SaarLorLux: “Energy suppliers do have a great influence on accomplishing national emission reduction goals. Climate-friendly customers now have the opportunity to actively support climate protection by adding a small amount to their monthly energy bills. Energie SaarLorLux demonstrates how a climate neutral product can be easily and effectively integrated into a power supplier’s product offering.”
The extraction, transport and burning of gas causes the emission of the greenhouse gas CO2 among other gases which accelerate climate change.
GasPlusOe can be ordered by all customers in Saarbrucken as an extra service to their existing gas contracts. The customer decides whether all of their gas consumption or just part of it should be billed with GasPlusOe. The additional charge for the GasPlusOe rate is only 0,35ct/kwh. At the end of the month the average energy bill of a 3-person household is only 5 Euro higher than before.
One of the projects supported by the emission reduction certificates, bought by Energie SaarLorLux, is based in India. This project entails capturing the highly aggressive greenhouse gas methane from local sugar plants’ sewage.
The methane is combusted in a boiler to generate steam as well as electricity for the local power grid. The remaining organic waste is used as a bio-compost to replace energy-consuming inorganic fertilizers. The certificates resulting from this project adhere to the VER+ standard, developed by the TÜV SÜD, one of the world’s leading validation companies, accredited by the UN.
Background information on climate neutrality:
The underlying concept of Climate Neutrality is startlingly simple: Greenhouse gases cause damage globally. Therefore it is irrelevant where emissions are caused or where they are reduced. So unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions in location A can be neutralized by additional protective measures in location B. Emissions caused by air travel are the only ones where this rule does not apply without qualifications. Almost any activity – using transport, producing goods or using office space – can be organized in a climate-neutral fashion. 3C will first calculate the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the activities. Then we buy a corresponding amount of high quality emissions reduction certificates from certified climate protection projects on behalf of those who wish to compensate for their emissions. The certificates are then irrevocably withdrawn from the market. This process is commensurate with an investment in a climate protection project. Proven compensation of emissions will then be certified.