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Fair kicks off with events about the implementation of the energy transition – Energy experts open New Energy Husum

Husum, 20.03.2014 Exhibition boss Peter Becker and experts from the fields of politics, science and industry associations opened the leading renewables trade fair, New Energy Husum, today with a critical keynote speech about the impact of the planned amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Exhibitors will be showing the complete range of products and services for renewable energy generation and storage in three halls and an open-air exhibition space until 23 March. The tenth New Energy Husum is also focusing on alternative transport in the shape of electric vehicles, and on green building and renovation.

Appeal to federal government

In his keynote speech, Professor Volker Quaschning from the HTW University of Applied Sciences in Berlin has criticised the plans of the federal government to further restrict the increase in renewable energy sources: “Capping the rise in electricity prices is meant to justify the emergency stop in energy transition. And in return we are sacrificing climate protection and Germany’s position as the leading pioneer of future technology”, said Quaschning.

“New Energy Husum clearly shows that the ordinary citizens have already taken the reins of energy transition into their own hands”, said Peter Becker at the opening press conference. “When the parliament in Berlin votes on the amendment to the EEG, we expect to see a clear commitment to energy transition!“

At the press conference, Dr Harald Binder, managing director of the German Energy Storage Association, spoke out for a fundamental reorganisation of the energy supply system: “In future we will generate and use our energy locally. And for this we need intelligent storage solutions and the corresponding framework conditions.“

Acceptance and participation

Johannes Grützner, head of department for energy, climate and resource protection at the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas, emphasised that the energy transition involves more than just reorganising the electricity sector: “The energy transition is also about heat and transport, all sectors of industry, the way we build, how we live, and how we transport goods. And that is why it is reliant on state-wide acceptance and the involvement of all the people.”

The promotion of electric-powered transport was also the basic thinking behind the eE4mobile cooperative when it was founded at New Energy Husum in 2010. “Our goal is to put eVehicles and build up a network of charging stations”, said eE4mobile director Peter Steffens at the press conference. “If we are going to get more people using eCars we urgently need fast-charge stations in public areas.”

About New Energy Husum

In recent years, New Energy Husum has established itself as one of the most important trade fairs in the renewable energy sector. Since 2002 it has served as the showcase for decentralised energy generation based on the use of all renewable energies. The topics and techniques include small wind turbines (up to 100 kW), biogas, solid biomass (pellets, firewood and wood chips for heating systems), solar heating, photovoltaics, electric vehicles, subsurface geothermal energy, energy storage, energy efficient building and mini-CHPs. From 20 to 23 March 2014 experts and leading manufacturers will be meeting in the North Frisian town of Husum to set the course for the innovation needed in a rapidly growing market.

Twitter news about New Energy Husum for journalists: https://twitter.com/NewEnergyHusum

Messe Husum & Congress
Am Messeplatz 12-18
25813 Husum, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)4841 902 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)4841 902 – 246
eMail: info@messehusum.de

Press contact
Krampitz Communications
Lea Schmitz / Iris Krampitz
Dillenburger Str. 85
51105 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)221 912 49949
Fax: +49 (0)221 912 49948
eMail: contact@pr-krampitz.de

Photographs of the speakers can be downloaded at
Images of the press conference are available here from c. 13:00 on 20 March!

Photographic images can be downloaded at

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