Biel, 14. April 2011. While crystalline modules can normally be combined with all inverters, this is not necessarily applicable to thin-film modules – particularly when you combine these with transformerless inverters. The world’s largest manufacturer of thin-film modules First Solar officially certifies that the SolarMax inverters made by Sputnik Engineering are compatible with the cadmium-telluride modules of its FS 2 and FS 3 series.
In order to guarantee its modules, First Solar subjects all PV systems used in combination with its modules to its specifically developed system design and application (SDA) process. Along with the location, the company also checks the installation plan, the proper design, and the operating conditions. Within this process, the interaction between modules and electrical components such as inverters plays an important role. The results of this quality control are high system efficiencies and economically working, ideally designed solar systems.
Inverters from Sputnik have been installed successfully with First Solar modules for years. The official approval comprising all SolarMax inverter types now accelerates the SDA inspection and assures right from the design stage that the warranty will cover the system. “We are very happy that First Solar, as one of the world’s most important solar module manufacturers, has now officially certified the smooth interaction with our SolarMax devices,” says Hans-Georg Schweikardt, Head of Product Management with Sputnik Engineering “Just like us, the American module manufacturer also attaches great importance to high quality standards.”