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Friends of Science: The Doha COP-18 “Damage Aid” Deception

CALGARY, ALBERTA — (Marketwire) — 12/11/12 — The climate science critical review organization, Friends of Science, denounces the on-going waste of resources and “climate science dogma” of the recent COP-18 Doha talks, spawned in 1992 by the UN United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the related UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“We–ve been reviewing the peer-reviewed climate science for a decade,” says President Len Maier, “but the phenomenal waste of financial and energy resources have turned our group into something of an environmental green-wash watch-dog as well.”

Friends of Science are a group of retired atmospheric and earth scientists who dispute the commonly accepted theory of human-made –global warming– as being the result of the use of fossil fuels. Friends of Science claim –carbon reduction– is unnecessary and irrelevant as the sun is the main driver of climate change. Temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are well within historic norms of climate fluctuations.

“The –anthropogenic global warming– theory has not stood the test of the Scientific Method,” says Maier, “yet countries, industries and citizens are frantically trying to reduce their –carbon footprint– when this will have no impact on climate.”

Friends of Science specifically condemn the –climate cult– that has indoctrinated youth with a catastrophic view of the future – leading many youth into deep depression and a sense of helplessness.

“Human beings are capable of magnificent scientific and technological accomplishments. We should be inspiring our youth to stand on the shoulders of the giants of innovation – but most important we must dismantle this “climate change crisis cult” and stop wasting resources on this green-wash and rent-seeking.”

FACTS – The UN Climate Change predictions are:


1. Changes in solar activity correlates well with earth–s temperature as shown in numerous studies. This shows a good correlation between 400 years of northern hemisphere temperatures and solar irradiance, which is used as a proxy for all solar changes. Note the low solar activity periods occurring during the Little Ice Age (Maunder Minimum 1645 to 1715 and the Dalton Minimum 1795 to 1825). Longer term, is a correlation of a solar proxy to a temperature proxy for a period of 3000 years. See “Sun Activity Correlates with Temperature” .

To view the Visualization of the proportionate ratio of sun and earth, with Coronal Mass Ejection image, please visit this link:

2. Climate modellers have given up trying to match their models to the observations. They ignore that fact that there has been no warming for 15 years so their surface temperature projections greatly diverge from the measurements as shown . A primary reason the models fail is because they predict an enhanced warming rate in the upper atmosphere which does not appear in the measurements as shown and . The latter graph shows the climate model temperature trends of the mid-troposphere, using 57 runs from 23 climate models, are four times larger than observations from satellites and weather balloons. Much of the earth–s heat is stored in the oceans. The GISS climate model over estimates the ocean heat content warming trend of the top 700 m from 2003 by a factor of 6 compared to measurements from 3300 ARGO buoys as shown . The north to south pattern of climate change as measured by satellites bears no resemblance to the climate model projections. The climate model seas surface warming trend at the equator from 1982 is 6 times higher than that measured by satellites as shown . The graph shows the northern hemisphere sea surface temperature measurements and the climate model hindcasts for the period 1910 to 1944. The actual temperature rise was 4.5 times greater than the modeled trend. The models cannot replicate the measurements because they do not include natural causes of climate change. See “Computer Models Fail” .

3. The UK–s Daily Mail published a graph from the Met Office , showing no global warming for 16 years. The climate models assume that increasing temperatures would cause an increase in water vapour in the upper atmosphere, and fewer clouds, which would amplify the small direct warming effect from CO2. Radiosonde and satellite data shows that both of these assumptions are false. Upper atmosphere water vapour and clouds act to reduce the CO2-induced warming. See “Water Vapour Feedback” and Cloud feedback” .

4. The temperature and CO2 concentration history of the last 600 million years is shown . The Vostok ice core temperature record over the last 400,000 years is shown . The temperature history during the last 10,000 years is . See “Climate is Always Changing” .

5. An article shows that wind power is a ludicrously inefficient and expensive way to generate electricity. A study of wind power in the Netherlands shows that wind power cause extra fuel consumption instead of fuel saving, when compared to electricity production with modern high-efficiency gas turbines only. See FoS Policies and Economics .

6. The increase in CO2 emissions has caused increased crop yields and faster growing plants and forests, thereby greening the planet. Crop yields have increased about 16% due to more CO2. The chart shows that a 50% increase in CO2 causes a 10% increase in wheat yields in wet conditions and a 23% increase in dry conditions. See “CO2 Greatly Increases Plant and Forest Growth” and the FoS Climate Sciencegreater than greater than CO2 and Plant Growth section .

7. A survey in 2011 shows that 6.3 million households in the United Kingdom, or 24% of all households were in fuel poverty due to rising energy costs, see . These households spend more than 10% of their incomes on home fuel use.

8. The US Government has spent $79 billion from 1989 to 2009 on climate research and technology as shown . The 2010 budget request was 6.7 billion, see .

9. Donna Laframboise, author of “The Delinquent Teenager who was Mistaken for the World–s Top Climate Expert”, an expose of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, presented her findings in Calgary at the Friends of Science 9th annual luncheon. Her presentation is . She finds that the 2007 IPCC report contains references to 5,587 non-peer-reviewed articles, including newspaper articles and Greenpeace propaganda documents. Two-thirds of chapters where authored by at least one scientist affiliated with the lobby group, The World Wildlife Fund.

10. The USA and the EU have instituted mandates and subsidies to stimulate the production of bio-fuels in a miss-guided effort to displace fossil fuels. The diversion of corn from food consumption to biofuels has increased food prices and poverty. A study shows that biofuel production over 2004 level has resulted in 192,000 excess deaths from malnutrition and poverty in 2010 in developing countries. Ethanol added to gasoline reduces fuel efficiency. About 30% of the US corn crop is used to make ethanol, see . The mining of rare earth mineral used to manufacture the magnets for the wind turbines has caused an ecological catastrophe in northern China, see . Wind power has a huge land footprint because it is very dilute and intermittent. It requires extensive networks of roads, transmission lines and turbines. Wind turbines are very dangerous for the workers who must maintain them and for the public. Lumps of ice and broken blades get flung off them. One blade was flung into a house over 5 km away. Wind farm also deadly to bats and birds. Wind turbines at Altamont Pass, California were killing up to 4,000 birds annually, including over 1,000 raptors such as golden eagles, hawks, falcons and owls, see . Feed-in-tariffs in Ontario is costing consumers $4 billion per year, with solar power costing 49 cents/kWhr, about 5 times the conventional rate, see .

Friends of Science
P.O.Box 23167, Connaught P.O.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2S 3B1

Friends of Science
Toll-free: 1-888-789-9597 US/Canada

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