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HVAC manufacturers still have plenty to win

A large number of the European architects do not have any preferred brand of HVAC and piping products. Brands like Daikin and Viessmann however, have managed to become beloved brands among architects in more than one country. These are some of the conclusions of the Q1 2013 European Architectural Barometer report, a quarterly market research among 1,600 architects in eight European countries. European architects act as a leading indicator for the construction activity.
Earlier Arch Vision survey showed that the architects in all countries are quite involved when the type of HVAC products needs to be selected. They often are the decision maker or the at least an influencer in this process. However, their brand preference scores are not that explicit in all countries. Almost two thirds of the Dutch and Polish architects claim not to have a preferred brand at all. The share of those architects in the other countries is also significantly high.
Despite the high share of architects showing a of lack of brand preference, it is obvious that a couple of brands have managed to become loved brands of the architects. Daikin for example is mentioned spontaneously most often in three of the eight countries: France, Spain and Italy. Viessmann also shows a great performance in Germany, Belgium and Poland.
Pipelife and Nefit are respectively the most preferred brands in the UK and the Netherlands.
The message for the HVAC and pipe producers is clear: there is still work to be done. The great number of architects who do not have any preferred brands yet offers opportunities. The fact that some brands have managed to achieve a good position among the architects proves that this is possible for this type of products. Providing detailed technical information, engineering advice and sustainable and innovative alternatives and solutions will help to become a preferred brand in all counties.
These and many other results and trends of the developments of the European construction market can be found in the European Architectural Barometer, an international market research conducted among 1,600 architects in Europe. This study is conducted in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland by Arch-Vision four times a year. Besides indicators to forecast the European building volumes, a specific topic is highlighted each quarter. The topic in Q1 2013 was “Love brands”. Architects can be used not only as a reliable source for future building volumes information, but their role is very important as they have great influence on how projects are built and which materials are used.

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