The existing load dispatch centre in Kathmandu, operated by the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), was constructed in 2003 under the financial assistance of KfW. After 16 years in operation, its control system (SCADA/EMS) and related auxiliaries are now outdated. Tractebel has been providing consulting services for the modernisation project from the start.
The hardware and software components of the load dispatch centre (LDC) are obsolete and no longer meet the requirements of modern grid systems. The NEA also faces increasing difficulties with the procurement of spare parts for the reliable monitoring and control of the national transmission system. In addition, the large video display screen in the control room as well as some displays and workstations were destroyed during the heavy earthquake disaster in 2015.
An upgrade will now provide relief. The aim is to maintain the SCADA/EMS functions required for the control and monitoring of the country
Early involvement of Tractebel
The project started in 2014 and Tractebel was involved from the very first pre-analysis through to the project implementation phase, with a team of planners providing all intermediate services such as the development of the conceptual design, preparation of tender documents, support in the tendering process, bid evaluation, contracting and draft approvals.
The installation work at the LDC started in April 2019 and meanwhile all the key components (SCADA hardware, large video display screen, IP telephone system and emergency power supply) are on site and installation work is almost finished. The project is now entering its orrect way. The official site acceptance test (SAT) is planned for mid-July.
The installation work for the backup control centre at the Hetauda substation started at the end of June 2019. Site testing and commissioning of the system is scheduled for autumn this year.