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Official opening of key project for the energy transition, Bavaria

Innovative battery storage system

An innovative battery storage system was officially inaugurated on 25 May, 2018 in Pfreimd, Bavaria. On the site of the Oberpfalz-based hydropower plant group, ENGIE Deutschland implemented the storage system with a capacity of 13.5 MWh. It supplements the existing 137 MW hydropower plant and provides support for a more reliable and efficient power supply with a high regenerative element.

Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology, Franz Josef Pschierer, emphasised the importance of the project at the official opening: “The combination of battery storage and hydropower is a solution that shows how technology and nature can go hand in hand to secure the power supplies of the future.”

The battery storage system is comprised of 39,600 interconnected lithium-ion cells which contribute to the primary control. Experts from Lahmeyer International provided the consulting services for this ambitious project. They assessed the overall technical concept; checked the documents relating to the electrical, control and safety and security equipment; and the suitability of the electrochemical components.

The work of the specialists from Lahmeyer provided a contribution to a sustainable and future-oriented solution. In combined operation with the pumped storage units of the Pfreimd hydropower plant group, the battery storage systems give the entire plant greater flexibility in terms of grid control energy.

Read more in our blog post: http://blog-tractebel.lahmeyer.de/2018/10/11/inaugurating-the-future-of-energy-storage/

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