Since renewable energy-generation cannot be accurately predicted there has to be an available source of generation to compensate for periods of lower generation or for covering high demand in peak times. CCPPs are an optimal solution since they are more environmentally friendly than energy generated from nuclear plants or coal. In addition, they are not as expensive to build, flexible and fast to generate in short periods of time.
Main topics of the conference include:
•Real-market value and legal regulations
•Building and optimization of combined-cycle power plants (followed by a panel discussion)
•Technological improvements: CCS & Transformers (followed by a panel discussion)
Hear international experts from all over Europe; companies include EnBW, Dong Energy, IEA, and EDP HC Energía.
Participants may take part in the workshops on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 on topics such as “Needs and Challenges of CCGT Operators” (Verbund Trading AG, Austria), “Transformers in Dynamic Electric Power Stations” (Leibniz University Hanover, Germany), “Implications of current energy and environmental policies on CCGT portfolio development” (GDF Suez, Belgium) and “Market Value of Gas-Fired Power Generation” (Čez, Czech Republic).
For more information, please go to