NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 07/18/12 — Smoking prevention is alive and well in the United States of America, as consumers and young minds are constantly informed of the many health risks that cigarettes pose. While it may be easy to understand the medical implications of smoking, many addicted to cigarettes find it incredibly difficult to quit the habit. A new from The Seattle P-I, discusses the many options that modern smokers have in order to stop the dangerous practice. Many of these choices, including nicotine gum and patches, are sometimes ineffective depending on the user and are incredibly costly if used for a long period. Regal Cigs, a company that produces of a series of “e-cigs,” was not surprised to learn that electronic cigarettes are now considered a great way to quit smoking.
Up until smokeless cigarettes gained popularity, “Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products,” such as gums, patches and lozenges, were the best option to help individuals stay away from cancer-causing cigarette products. Still, many consumers are wary to try e-cigs due to their innovative take on the traditional practice of smoking.
helps others understand how the process works in a recent press statement, “Our company uses the latest advances in technology to provide customers with a consistent and long-lasting operation. When one inhales through the device, air flow is detected by the smart chip controller which activates a heating element. That heat vaporizes the nicotine solution stored in the mouthpiece. Customers will exhale harmless water vapor, and experience the sensation of smoke exhalation without all the bad stuff!”
On top of mimicking the pleasure associated with cigarettes, Regal Cigs explains that e-cigs give the smoker something to do with their hands. Often, habitual smokers have trouble quitting because they do not know how to occupy themselves throughout their daily routines. The company notes that its electronic cigarette product line allows customers to still experience all the rituals associated with smoking, without having to impose a serious risk on their health.
Another additional benefit of smokeless cigarettes is cost. Those addicted to smoking often pay a few thousand dollars a year on their favorite products just to achieve a “nicotine buzz.” Regal Cigs and the article both state that use of e-cigs “significantly cuts down smokers– cost as expenses on vapor cigarettes only cost a fraction of real tobacco cigarettes.”
produces and distributes electronic smokeless cigarettes that feature some of the most advanced technology in the industry. Many customers enjoy how simple and affordable the products are. The company is committed to informing smokers about the benefits of vapor cigarettes, most notably as a smoking cessation device. While the products are free of harmful toxins found in traditional cigarettes, they are available in a wide variety of flavors. Regal Cigs are great for use no matter what the atmosphere, as they are stylish and safe at the same time.
To view the Regal Cigs product line, visit .