Berlin, Germany, 13th January 2009: pvXchange, the leading spot market for solar technology, is realigning its corporate structure. pvXchange international N.V. has been in existence since 16 December 2008. In the future, the public limited company with registered office in Maastricht, Netherlands, will combine all the business areas of the solar technology experts. pvXchange GmbH will continue to operate the international solar trading platform.
Kai Malkwitz, CEO of pvXchange GmbH, explains the reasons behind the company–s restructuring: “Limited company status offers us increased financial and operational scope. Under the umbrella of the holding company, we will in the future be able to pursue further areas of business, give investors and employees a stake in the company and be listed on the capital market.” pvXchange intends to use its newly acquired potential to press ahead with its programme of international expansion and offer further innovative online services for solar technology.