In January, WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH from Vechta, world market leader in the production of biogas plants from stainless steel, ordered the first microturbine CHP plant from Greenvironment GmbH for the biogas park of 24,000 square meters in Barsikow, Brandenburg, Germany. From the summer of 2011, the technology will be used to produce an annual volume of about 8,4 million standard cubic meters of biogas and 3 million standard cubic meters of biomethane on the basis of the input substances maize, whole plant silage, and dry chicken manure.
The CHP plant with a CR600 microturbine and remote monitoring system will be combined with the biogas processing plant. The thermal energy contained in the exhaust flow of the microturbine will be used as process heat for the biogas processing plant. The processing will take place in the form of chemical treatment (amine treatment). The objective is to achieve self-sufficient heat supply of the processing plant by means of a heat-controlled CHP plant with integrated microturbines. The electrical energy will be fed into the grid of the local energy supplier. The quantity corresponds to an electrical output of 2.2 MW.
„When processing biomethane, the process energy, i.e. the water, must have a temperature of 140°C. In this context, the high thermal efficiency of microturbines provides an important advantage that helps to substantially increase the overall efficiency of biomethane production“, says Robert Tholen, Head of Technology at WELTEC BIOPOWER.
Other advantages include the compact design and the modular structure of the package, which can be expanded whenever needed. „Greenvironment quickly elaborated solution proposals, all of which enabled a good connection to the existing biogas processing plant“, says Robert Tholen, explaining the decision in favour of the Berlin-based technology specialist. WELTEC BIOPOWER and Greenvironment will continue to cooperate in the field of technology.
In its capacity as general contractor, WELTEC BIOPOWER is responsible for the overall planning, turnkey setup including the infrastructure, approval planning, production, and installation, as well as the operational launch and subsequent biological supervision of the biogas park in Barsikow.
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