NADLEH WHUT–EN, BRITISH COLUMBIA — (Marketwire) — 08/24/11 — Chief Larry Nooski of Nadleh Whut–en First Nation, a member of the Yinka Dene Alliance, made the following statement in response to today–s announcement by Enbridge that it has commercial support for its proposed pipeline and tanker project.
“Enbridge–s pipeline isn–t happening, period. It doesn–t matter who they get a deal with. They plan to come through our territories and we–ve already said no, and we–ll use every legal means we have to stop them. Their proposed pipeline is against our laws because we refuse to put our communities at the risk of oil spills.
Getting industry to support their plan is not going to help them. These lands belong to First Nations and they will never get our permission because our lands and rivers are not for sale.
There are now more than 100 First Nations in western Canada who–ve said no to their pipeline and tankers. From the Rockies to the Pacific, every mile of their pipeline and tanker route goes through a First Nation that has banned their project.
This pipeline is dead in the water.”
The Yinka Dene Alliance includes Nadleh Whut–en, Nak–azdli, Takla Lake, Saik–uz, and Wet–suwet–en First Nations in northern BC who have banned the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines from their territories.
Yinka Dene Alliance
Geraldine Thomas-Flurer
(250) 570-1482
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